2007年10月10日 星期三


之前介紹 美化桌面 時提到 SystemInformation 1.6 版,可是筆者一直無暇更新,最近它又更新到 1.61 版

暫時先將 GPS 上琳瑯滿目的導航軟體依使用地區分頁,其他常用影片、音樂、照片、檔案管理等等另成一頁。一些不常用的軟體,仍然可以很容易地從 Task Bar 執行。

其實每次處理選單時,最頭痛的就是 icon。為了 64x64、48x48 的 icon,花了許多時間上網搜尋與修改,無奈 Photoshop 去背處理後,很多 logo(尤其是圓形)都無法處理乾淨,除非搭配原先背景色系才看不出瑕疵,到最後不得不放棄圓形,改採方型 logo。

喜歡的朋友,可以 下載 回去參考。

7 則留言:

Daniel 提到...

Kudos. Like your new desktop very much. Neat and tidy. Can you share your work. Thanks

Bireley 提到...

I'm glad you like it. Link added to the bottom of blog. It's a revised version with some space to right hand side of screen so that you can have a picture of someone or something there.

Daniel 提到...

Thanks for your kindly sharing. One more question. The old sysinfo does not seem to support fat32 on SD card. Will the new 1.61 version support fat32. Thanks again

Bireley 提到...

I don't think SystemInfo as anything to do with File System format. It's a combination of factors among SD card, device driver and operating system.

Daniel 提到...

I guess I was too hasty to try it out. Just realized this is for 320 x240 screen and I have mio c520 (480x272). Nevertheless, thank still goes.

匿名 提到...


Bireley 提到...

這裡介紹的 SystemInformation 以及先前美化桌面篇裡所介紹的,都是可以自行設計桌面與更換 icon 的軟體。不知你所指的自製指的是什麼?
